I apologize if this post seems out of place, I understand this is probably not the best place for it, but this blog is supposed to be about all of my experiences travelling. I'm currently experiencing problems with some of my classmates here, and I feel it needs to be addressed so that it doesn't lead to me building up tension about it. 

I am striving to become a filmmaker. This means that I spend a lot of my life doing work that doesn't seem to you like it's work. Just because you're a "journalist" for a "newspaper" at Temple doesn't mean that you are better than me. We live two different lives, we have two different goals in said lives, and we should both work very hard to achieve what we want to. Life takes everyone down a different path and that's something you have you understand. While you work hard to find stories and tell the truth to the entire world, I work hard to write or find stories to tell people to help them escape from and accept the truth of the world. Both of these things are very important in society and neither should be looked down upon (unless, maybe, the job is being done wrongly or harmfully). 

I believe that we can all get along well enough just by not being nasty. However, if you are nasty to me I will not just sit here and take it. I will come and find you and talk to you in person, and if that leads to unhappy things being said, or our ability to be in the same room being shattered, then so be it. I graduate in 63 days and will probably never see you again, so I'm not heartbroken. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that you can learn to understand that there are people out there that are different from you. It may be time to break out of your comfort zones that this digital ages has created for you and experience some new things. I truly hope this possible for you, but if it's not, I hope you enjoy living your safe life. 

Now that that's over we'll be back to our normal programming later this week. Tomorrow I work at the premiere of Mark's film, and then Saturday we're going to Brighton. It should be fun as long as no one ends up in the ocean. 

Take care, and be proud of what you do, stand up for what you believe in, and don't let others get you down. I know I still have some work to do on that last part, but I'm making progress.

It's been days since I've properly updated, and I'm sorry for that. As a reward for putting up with me I'll go to Parliament tomorrow and take lots of pictures. Just for you. 

Back to the past few days:

Thursday was the first day of my internship and i absolutely LOVE it. Today I was briefly introduced to everyone, and told that I would be helping on a small production for the London Dungeons. It was for the Jack the Ripper segment, so it involved lots of fake blood and pig organs. Once that was done I helped to pack up fo r a premiere that everyone was going to. 

A bit of background about this:

The film was called "I, Superbiker" and was created by the person who runs The 400 Company, Mark. This was a press premiere, and it ended up being that I was the one interviewing for the 400. I'm still not sure how that came about, but it was amazing. People that I got to interview include: James Ellison, Gary Mason and Tommy Hill, all of whom the film was about, and David Vanian of The Damned and Paul Cook from The Sex Pistols. 

I did mention this was my first day right? The film was great, the people were great, and it was all around awesome. 

The next day at my internship mostly involved looking through all of the things in the office. Among what seems like hundreds of other things there's an original God Save the Queen poster, drumsticks signed by Paul Cook, and all of Pauls original copies of The Sex Pistol records because he "don't got a record player anymore". I was sent home with a copy of one of The Damned's CD's from Christian to burn. Christian is a whole nother thing of amazement. We'll talk about that some other time though. 

The weekend was fairly dull. We went to Oxford Street and back to Portobello Market. Ran into one of my internship bosses that I don't really know, which was awkward, and now we're all going to bed. 

Check out the 4 or so new pictures in 1/23 and 1/24 and come back tomorrow for better updates. 

